Interviewing Milton Speid, the Newly Appointed Executive Director of VC Include

As the Director of Marketing and Communications for VC Include, I have the distinct pleasure of crafting the organization’s multifaceted communications strategy that delivers compelling narratives that engage and inspire audiences. I had the great pleasure of interviewing Milton Speid, the newly appointed Executive Director of VC Include and I'm so excited for you all to get to know him. 

Below is a transcript of our conversation. 

Alia Einstein-Diez:  Milton, congratulations on your new role! Your journey to VC Include is intriguing, encompassing a diverse range of experiences. Can you walk us through some significant moments from your personal background that have paved the way for your career trajectory?

Milton Speid: Absolutely. First I have to credit the community where I was born. My upbringing in rural Portland, Jamaica instilled in me a deep sense of resilience and determination. It was a place where resourcefulness was key, and the tight-knit community taught me the value of solidarity and support.

I also want to thank my family. They have been my anchor, providing unwavering support and inspiring me to create a better world for future generations. Their encouragement fuels my dedication to social impact, knowing that the positive changes I work towards today will contribute to a brighter tomorrow for them and communities like the one where I grew up. Joining VC Include as the Executive Director is a wonderful way to honor them and the community. 

Alia Einstein-Diez: You were born in Portland Jamaica, but you grew up on Cape Cod Massachusetts, how did that transition and your experiences there contribute to your journey?

Milton Speid: My mother is responsible for us moving. She was one of the first people in our community to travel to the US for work in the 80s and fell in love with Cape Cod. Moving to the Cape was a significant shift. It exposed me to new cultures and perspectives, fostering adaptability and a curiosity about the world beyond my immediate surroundings. Simple things like a snowflake which I now take for granted, was significant then. It was also during this period that I cultivated a passion for Soccer (Football), which instilled in me discipline and teamwork that would later prove invaluable.

Alia Einstein-Diez: Your journey then led you into academic and athletic success. How did these experiences shape your subsequent career choices?

Milton Speid: I was the first in my family to attend and graduate college. Attending The University of Hartford on a scholarship, provided me with a foundation for critical thinking and problem-solving. My pursuit of excellence in athletics taught me perseverance and the importance of setting ambitious yet achievable goals. These qualities became guiding principles in my career, influencing my decision to pursue a profession in finance and later philanthropy.

Alia Einstein-Diez: Your shift into finance and later into philanthropy and impact investing is quite a leap. How did these transitions come about?

Milton Speid: Well Alia, I guess you could say they were shaped by pivotal moments in our recent history where I was challenged to reflect on my role in either exacerbating or alleviating societal challenges. My journey in finance was very rewarding. I had a wonderful career at Bank of America, but during the financial crisis of 2008, I witnessed many families losing their homes due to a financial system that failed them and felt a calling to merge my financial acumen with my passion for making a meaningful impact so I switched careers and joined the Bank’s Foundation.

Venturing into philanthropy allowed me to channel resources toward causes close to my heart - education, food insecurity, job creation, climate change, health and wellness, and community development to name a few. I also had the opportunity to work at Silicon Valley Community Foundation advising many tech companies on their corporate responsibility strategies moving hundreds of millions of dollars into causes addressing our most pressing social and environmental issues.

Eventually, I delved into family offices helping Alexandre Mars, a French Tech Entrepreneur expand the reach of his Foundation in the US. In 2020 during the height of the Pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement, I joined The ImPact, a network of single family offices with a mission to help families make more impact investments more effectively. This was driven by my observation of some of the limitations of philanthropy and an increased interest by foundations, Ultra High Net Worth individuals, and some financial institutions to create sustainable, positive change while maintaining financial success.

Alia Einstein-Diez: Your story seems to intertwine diverse fields. As someone who’s spent their career in marketing and communications, I'm curious how storytelling factors into your professional journey?

Milton Speid: Storytelling has been a powerful tool for me. It allows me to bridge gaps, connect with diverse audiences, and convey the importance of social impact and financial success harmoniously. Skills I honed while at TED Talks, where I was the Director of Partnership. It's an integral part of my approach in advocating for inclusive entrepreneurship and impact-driven initiatives.

Alia Einstein-Diez: Milton, your journey is incredibly diverse and purpose-driven. Can you share a little bit about how these experiences led you to VC Include? 

Milton Speid: Certainly. As I mentioned before, joining VC Include as the Executive Director aligns profoundly with my commitment to fostering equitable opportunities, especially within the asset management sector where less than 2% of the $80+ trillion industry are managed by women or minority-owned firms.

In 2018 while working for Silicon Valley Community Foundation, I met VC Include founder Bahiyah Robinson while being tasked to deepen the foundation's awareness of emerging manager initiatives. This sparked a relationship that led to an advisory role and now this opportunity to lead the organization in partnership with an impressive team and board. 

Bahiyah has set the bar pretty high with her visionary leadership, passion, and commitment to equity. I’m forever grateful for all she’s done to support and inspire the next generation of investors and I'm excited to bring the same passion and commitment to expand on her vision, and perhaps even go above and beyond.

Alia Einstein-Diez: You are right, Milton she’s very impressive and we are all in awe of her.  What's your vision for VC Include, and what are you most excited about in this new role?

Milton Speid: My vision for VC Include is to cultivate an ecosystem where diversity thrives, where every voice has an opportunity to be heard, and where innovation knows no bounds. I'm incredibly excited about the opportunity to collaborate with visionary leaders and to create a supportive environment that champions initiatives that prioritize funding for firms led by individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Additionally, I want to build on the robust educational systems and mentorship programs already existing via our Fellowship Program and establish new networks that foster environments where every entrepreneur, regardless of background, feels empowered to pursue their innovative ideas.

Alia Einstein-Diez: Admirable goals, indeed. As you step into this new position, what strengths or unique perspectives do you believe you bring to VC Include?

Milton Speid: I believe my deep-rooted understanding of the challenges faced by underrepresented founders grants me a unique perspective. This insight enables me to craft strategies and programs tailored to address these challenges effectively. Moreover, my dedication to fostering partnerships and collaborations will be pivotal in expanding VC Include’s reach and impact within the entrepreneurial community.

Alia Einstein-Diez: That's fantastic, Milton. Before we conclude: A quick rapid fire questions

Alia Einstein-Diez: Pizza or Burger

Milton Speid: Easy, Pizza

Alia Einstein-Diez: Beach or Mountain

Milton Speid: Beach

Alia Einstein-Diez: Hardcopy book or Tablet

Milton Speid: Hardcopy

Alia Einstein-Diez: Beef Patties or Tacos

Milton Speid: Beef Patties

Alia Einstein-Diez: Soccer or Track & Field

Milton Speid: Tough one, but Soccer

Alia Einstein-Diez: Comedy or Adventure Movies

Milton Speid: Both :) 

Alia Einstein-Diez: Train or Car

Milton Speid: Tough one. I own a Car but I prefer to get around by public transport when possible. 

Alia Einstein-Diez: Thank you, Milton. Your journey is remarkable, and your commitment to increasing diversity in the asset management industry is commendable.  I’m truly inspired, thank you for sharing these reflections with us.

Milton Speid: Thank you, Alia. It's been a pleasure reflecting on the experiences that have shaped my professional path to VC Include. I’m grateful for all the people that have supported me, especially my wife, Anne and I'm looking forward to continuing the journey with them, you, and the team. 

Alia Einstein-Diez: To learn more about Milton and the work of VC Include, continue to check out our website and follow us on social media. We look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events. 


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Welcome VC Include’s New Executive Director